Watching a 3D movie can more than double the concentration powers and cognitive processing of children, new research claims. 一项新征询宣称,不雅看一部3D电影不错让儿童的隆重力和领会搞定速率普及一倍多。
A study by visual technology firm RealD and led by child psychologist Dr Richard Woolfson and associate lecturer at Goldsmiths Patrick Fagan suggests that children aged between seven and 14 experienced twice the cognitive processing speed and performed better in testing after watching 20 minutes of a 3D film. 视觉科技公司RealD开展了一项征询,领头东谈主是儿童脸色学博士理查德•伍尔夫森和金史小姐学院助理讲师帕特里克•费根。征询裸露,7至14岁之间的孩子在不雅看20分钟3D电影后,领会搞定速率普及一倍,在测试中的阐扬也更出色。
This is despite suggestions that attention spans in children have shortened in the last decade due to unlimited to access to entertainment, including on-demand TV, gaming and social media. 尽管一些迹象标明av美女,色无极网站在畴昔十年间,由于斗争文娱无节制,包括不雅看点播电视,玩电子游戏和使用外交媒体,儿童隆重力的抓续本领依然镌汰了。
A 2015 study claimed that watching 3D content had a similar effect to brain-training exercises. 2015年的一项征询宣称,不雅看3D节目与大脑磨真金不怕火有左近的功效。
Consumer psychologist Mr Fagan said that the increased stimulation found in watching something in 3D "exercised" the brain and improved performance in the short term. 耗尽者脸色学众人费根示意,不雅看3D节目所增多的刺激“锤真金不怕火”了大脑,并能在短期内提众多脑的阐扬。
"3D films can play the role of 'brain-training' games and help to make children 'smarter' in the short term," he said. 他说,“3D电影不错施展 ‘大脑磨真金不怕火’游戏的作用,匡助儿童在短期内‘更聪慧’。”
"The shortening of response times after watching 3D was almost three times as big as that gained from watching 2D; in other words, 3D helps children process aspects of their environment more quickly. This is likely to be because 3D is a mentally stimulating experience which 'gets the brain's juices flowing'." “不雅看3D节目后镌汰的响应本领是不雅看2D节目后的近3倍;换言之,3D节目匡助儿童更赶快地对环境中的方方面面作念出应酬。这可能是因为3D节目会刺激大脑,‘让脑汁流动起来’。”
The experiment saw children given a range of cognitive tests before watching 20 minutes of a movie in either 2D or 3D and being tested again. The results showed those who saw the 3D content reacted faster and performed better in the second round of testing. Mental engagement also rose by 13% among 3D watchers. 该本质先对儿童进行了一系列领会测试,在不雅看20分钟2D或3D电影后,再对他们测试一遍。遵循裸露,在第二轮测试中,不雅看3D节指标儿童响应更快、阐扬更佳。此外,不雅看3D节指标儿童大脑活跃度提高了13%。
Child psychologist Dr Woolfson added that "supportive parenting" and regularly listening to classical music can also aid a child's memory. 儿童脸色学家伍尔夫森博士补充谈,“饱读动式讲解”和平淡听古典音乐也有助于提高儿童的系念力。
"Children now expect to flit from activity to activity in a matter of seconds, leaving them struggling when they need to concentrate for longer, for instance, during a classroom learning experience." he said. “当今的孩子们念念在数秒之间就从一个行径换到另一个行径上,这导致他们在需要较长本领议论精神时感到煎熬,比如在教室中上课时。”
"Setting a good example also matters - parents who check their smartphones or laptops during mealtimes or family activities shouldn't be surprised when their children want to do the same." “成就一个好榜样也很要津——关于在用餐或家庭行径时检察智高手机、条记本电脑的父母,当我方的孩子也有相同的举动时,他们不应该感到惊诧。”
欧美伦理片英文起首:镜报 翻译:董静 审校&裁剪:丹妮av美女